Those two lines are able to create mixed excitement uncertainty ... next step is to do the analysis and go to the gynecologist! That creature, as big as a grain of rice, grows inside my belly but at the same time not seeing it and not feeling it generates anxiety.The Beta hCG hormone determines the positive test of pregnancy, is responsible for some transformations in the woman's body.
Tension at the breast and abdomen
Lower abdominal pain
Blood loss
Tiredness and excessive exhaustion
Nausea and different sensitivity to smells and tastes
Tendency to urinate more often
Increased basal temperature
In any case, the most reliable symptom is amenorrhea, the absence of a menstrual cycle.
Amenorrhea is the most important and significant sign of an initial pregnancy, especially if your cycle has always been regular and you have had intercourse during the fertile period.Another uncommon symptom is characterized by the loss of blood due to the nesting of the embryo in the uterus. They generally do not have a rhythmic character as if they were true menstruation.Breast tension is often confused with the classic premenstrual turgor. Breast turgidity can also occur several days in advance from the day of missed menstruation, then with the progress of the first weeks the breasts will become enlarged, and will become more and more turgid and tense by the action of progesterone, sometimes causing pain and irritability to the nipples. The veins of the breasts are more evident and the areola can become darker and present on its surface small patches, the so-called tubercles of Montgomery, or glands that during lactation will secrete a lubricating and disinfecting substance. Tiredness, abdominal heaviness, constipation, neuse and sensitivity to odors are other of the most common symptoms of an early pregnancy.
Do you know how big your baby is when you discover you are pregnant?!? Its dimensions are equal to those of a poppy seed, only 1mm long
Third and Fourth week:Poppy seedWeight 0 gLength 1 mm |
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